
So much to be grateful for today. It’s warm at last — today’s about 70. Lovely.

The seeds my daughter and I planted are coming right along. Some of them look like they’re ready to go outside (peas and beans, mostly), but I don’t have a space for them yet.

sprouting seeds

This morning, I took a picture of the budding daffodils on the side of our house. This afternoon, I took more pictures because they actually started opening during the day.

daffodil buds

daffodils opening

blooming daffodils

The croci, of course, are blooming in every color imaginable.

purple croci

white croci

yellow crocus

bed of croci

And even the hellebores are struggling out of the ground (and the impacted leaves from last fall).

hellebores unfurling

So the flowers that bloom in the spring (tra-la) are what I’m grateful for today. What about you?

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  1. Ashe Elton Parker

    Daffodils are my favorite flowers, but all your budding beauties are lovely!

  2. Beautiful flowers :). Much better than the ants in the house that were my sign of spring :). What’s the last one?

    • Thanks.

      The last is the first sign of a hellebore. I’ll put up more pictures when it’s up more fully. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Kathleen Hammond

    I love the flowers that bloom in the Spring (tra-la)! Very pretty.

  4. We’ve had two consecutive days without rain … well, there was that shower this morning, but like the British say, ‘if it ain’t raining, it’a beautiful day’! ๐Ÿ˜€

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