Common sense strikes back

Mom’s always told me I don’t have much common sense. I think she’s wrong. On the other hand, every now and then I have a lapse, and it takes a bit of effort to realize it.

For example, over the last couple of weeks, I’ve been very concerned about making sure I’m seen on Twitter, on retweeting and replying and trying to be part of the community. In and of itself, there’s nothing wrong with that. However, if one of the reasons I’m on Twitter is to become a familiar name so that when I have books out, people will consider buying them — well, I need to be putting more effort into the writing of the books than into the marketing of myself. Common sense.

So my priorities have been a bit mixed up. As Lazette Gifford says, “Writing comes first.” I’ll still try to be friendly, but that isn’t — can’t be — my priority.

I am going to try to keep blogging three times a week, though. It keeps me honest and on track. And it doesn’t matter to me if I can’t sum up what my blog is about in a single word. I can’t describe myself in one word, either.

What about you? Has common sense made you rethink something you were doing?

As always, thanks for reading.

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12 Responses to Common sense strikes back

  1. Danny Brown says:

    Hi there Erin,

    Thanks for giving our blog a shout to your readers, much appreciated. 🙂

    And I don’t know – I think if you hyphenate it, you can use “common-sense” as your own word description. I won’t tell, and I think it sums up your approach perfectly. 🙂

    Happy blogging!

    • Erin says:

      Thanks! I’m not sure common sense (hyphenated or not) applies to my tongue-in-cheek Q&A posts, but I’ll take it. 😉

  2. Kaye Peters says:

    Thanks for this post – I felt as if I was the only one who was getting caught up in the marketing aspect. I’m so concerned with doing everything “they” tell the want-to-be-published writer to do, yet I keep on forgetting that I am not doing the one thing absolutely crucial to becoming a published author….actually writing my story! Sure, I’m writing blog posts, commenting on others, posting to Facebook, tweeting on Twitter, oh I’m out there. I just hope no one asks me to show them my work because I’d have to point them to Twitter, Facebook and blogs for a sample! Ouch!
    Well, I’m off to write…my story that is 🙂 Hoping to find some balance myself!

    • Erin says:

      Good luck finding your balance, Kaye! And when we’ve both got fiction written, we can talk about guest blog posts. 😀

  3. BonnieRS says:

    My mother’s version was, “If that was a rattlesnake, it would have bit you.” Yeah, lots of things that I don’t see coming until they’ve already run me down. Thank you for being the trailblazer 😀

  4. Dawn says:

    I think rather than “marketing”, it’s better to be yourself. I twitter and FB to learn, to support, and to share. I want to blog more “article” content, but my fiction is priority, and keeping up with my friends and their achievements and troubles. The rest will follow, right?

    • Erin says:

      Dawn, I don’t see the two as mutually exclusive. I’m always myself. As I said in my post, I was just trying to spend time on Twitter, being part of the community. The problem is the time that takes from writing.

      As for the rest following if I keep a narrow focus (FM, this blog), I don’t know.

  5. Ellsea says:

    I gave up on Twitter for the same reason – it took too much time away from writing and I ended up feeling scattered and that my energy and focus were getting too diffused. I don’t know if that’s common sense, but doing what’s right for you definitely *makes* sense.

    • Erin says:

      And you’ve already got a full plate with your crafts and your kids alongside your writing! You don’t need anything diffusing your focus. Thanks for the reality check!

  6. The more I use Twitter, the less I like it. It’s a time suck and doesn’t really seem to produce real conversations. This is a change from the 2009 when I used it more and did feel like I had conversations. Now I get the feeling that it’s a lot of people talking and few listening…

    And yes, the writing has to come first. I’ll start marketing more when I have something to actually sell. 😉

    • Erin says:

      I know some people have conversations on Twitter — but from the outside, it appears often that they are friends talking and not really caring who else is listening in. I might do a few exchanges (no more than 3 tweets on my part) with someone, but generally, it’s someone I know from FM or NaNo, and it tends to be encouragement or sympathy for outrageous expectations. Compared to what else is on there — well, Twitter feels like a firehose.

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