Coming up in December

snowy treeThis week — tomorrow, in fact — my drabble “Heartbeat” will be e-mailed out by Daily Science Fiction. A week later, it’ll go up on their Website. If you haven’t subscribed to their e-mails yet, why on Earth not?

Deadlines approaching:
Bewere the Night, edited by Ekaterina Skedia, has a December 31st deadline, but she urges earlier submission if possible.

Quarterly deadline for Writers of the Future contest is also December 31st. My friend D. M. Bonanno recently became a semifinalist. Who’s next?

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4 Responses to Coming up in December

  1. Dawn says:

    Good reminders. I’m still working on that werewolf story. I wonder if I could write it and still get it in on time…

    Oh and you’re due for Semifinalist, are you? 😉

    • Erin says:

      Good luck finishing the story!

      I don’t know about “due,” but I know that I’ve now got 2 paid publications toward the 3 cut-off limit (at least, I’m assuming circulation figures for Daily Science Fiction are at the appropriate level).

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