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- Header image courtesy of Smashing Magazine. Designed by Ratko Horvat (e-mail), Zabok, Croatia.
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Morning snow
View out the front window, 7 a.m. Snow is expected to continue throughout the day.
Posted in Uncategorized
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Why are you here?
Big question, I know. Yesterday, Justine Musk posted a lovely post (poem?) titled “You are not here to play it safe.” You are here to name the lost animals . . . You are here to look behind you in … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Our first croci of the year. Don’t they look cheerful?
Ways to spend your Tuesday
(Or Wednesday, if you subscribe to the blog by e-mail.) I’m sitting here, waiting for proofreading to arrive. I do have two short stories and a cover letter I’m supposed to be working on, and I’ll get to them, I … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged Amanda Palmer, John Anealio, Oscars, Suvudu Cage Match, TED talks
The latest challenge
No, not NaNoWriMo. One of the things I’ve learned through living in different areas of the United States is that most communities have things that they do that they simply assume everyone does because that’s the way it is around … Continue reading
Posted in Personal, Uncategorized
Long weekend
I’ve missed a few posts — Friday flash, my monthly post for the Merry-Go-Round Tour, my Monday gratitude post. I was off spending time with my family and relaxing, as one does on holiday weekends — or should, anyway. Today, … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Back in a flash?
I used to post flash once a week. There’s a group being organized that’ll post flash fiction on Fridays. (Not a new idea — Twitter has a #FlashFriday tag, and Chuck Wendig periodically does flash challenges on Fridays.) I’m trying … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
I’d rather be gardening
Today’s a lovely day — high 60s, low 70s, sunny with no thunderstorm on the horizon yet. It’s rained almost every day for the past month, which means the plants are green, the weeds are blooming, and the ground is … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Spring is here
What do you mean, I’m a month early? Tell that to the 50+ degree temperatures (or the 60+ it’s supposed to be on Friday). I’m sitting here with the windows open, letting the fresh air in. And here are the … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Playing with color
So a few days ago, I ran across a link to Kuriositas — specifically, a post on selective color photography. I’m completely blanking on the artist who I’ve seen these by (Mom? A little help?), but I’ve always thought the … Continue reading