Yesterday, while driving home after picking up my son from engineering club, I couldn’t believe my eyes. A cherry tree blooming in mid-December? I took a walk this morning and took pictures to capture this sight. Continue reading
Category: Uncategorized
Happy New Year!
It seems like such a large number. Wasn’t it just a little bit ago that we were all worried (or not, depending on our personal feelings) about Y2K? Yet here we are, well into the second decade of the millennium.
This is going to be a bit of a rambling post, as I’ve several things on my mind. Continue reading
Because I needed a smile or two
I’m sometimes tempted to do a mash-up of these two. (“Moses supposes the rain in Spain stays mainly on the plain, but Moses supposes erroneously.”) Someday. (“It’s always the someday!”)
An earworm for you
Because the Muppets are always wonderful. As is Queen.
Summer in the yard
It’s summer in Pennsylvania, which means it’s humid and hot — not as hot as in many parts of the country, but certainly hot enough that everything grows.
First up, we have the front bed, where the hostas are trying to take over the sidewalk. I think this fall, I’ll scrape out grass on the opposite side of the walk and split the plants. Continue reading
For your viewing pleasure
A few weeks back, I posted the video for my daughter’s favorite song. This is my son’s. Unfortunately, I can’t embed the video. WordPress app plus YouTube on iPad means to me, it looked like I was just posting a link. The wonders of technology. 😛
Singing for his supper
Spring in bloom
On volunteering
A little backstory on how this came up: last year, I read Gretchen Rubin’s The Happiness Project. I was so impressed, I followed her on Twitter, Facebook, and her blog. On Facebook, she often asks questions of the “Do you do X or Y?” or “Do you do X, and why?” variety. This week, one of her questions was about volunteering.