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- Header image courtesy of Smashing Magazine. Designed by Ratko Horvat (e-mail), Zabok, Croatia.
Category Archives: reviews
How many meals?
If you cook, as I do, you probably spend a fair amount of time in the kitchen. You probably also have a cookbook collection, as well as bookmarks for your favorite sites. I discovered another site to add to my … Continue reading
Pointing to art
Justine Musk has blogged a couple of times about Seth Godin’s book, Linchpin. Based on what she had to say, I checked it out from my library, and I’m glad I did. The book is about choosing to be indispensable … Continue reading
2010 in review
To create this image of what I’ve been up to this year, I took monthly updates that I’ve posted on the Forward Motion writing board and plugged them in to Wordle. I think it’s a fair representation of what I’ve … Continue reading
Death After Dusk and other drinks
The other thing we did on Friday night (besides the holiday party) was visit the Bookstore Speakeasy. This charming purveyor of food and drinks on Bethlehem’s South Side is a fairly faithful recreation of a 1920’s speakeasy. No external sign … Continue reading
Old reviews
What old reviews, you may ask? Some from a writing blog I kept before I had this site. To whit: Rainy day reading — various series of blog posts that writers might find useful. There are new ones I would … Continue reading
Life as a Moving Target review
Today marks the released of Life as a Moving Target, by Erin Zarro, a chapbook published by Turtleduck Press. The publisher site describes it: Life as a Moving Target is a poetry chapbook that explores living with fibromyalgia and intractable … Continue reading
second chances
I know, it’s Thursday, I’m supposed to be posting a review. I thought about posting about No Ordinary Family and its similarities and differences to The Incredibles, and why the tensions and conflicts — internal and external — make it … Continue reading
Legacy of Wolves review
This review is a few years late in coming. I bought Legacy of Wolves, by Marsheila Rockwell, when it first came out, and I promised her I’d give it a review. In the interest of full disclosure, I should note … Continue reading
happiness is a choice
Last week, I watched a TED talk by Dan Gilbert on why we’re happy. He talked about natural happiness versus synthetic happiness — how our brains decide that we’re happy with what we’ve got — and more, how we’re happier … Continue reading