- Header image courtesy of Smashing Magazine. Designed by Ratko Horvat (e-mail), Zabok, Croatia.
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- Header image courtesy of Smashing Magazine. Designed by Ratko Horvat (e-mail), Zabok, Croatia.
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- Header image courtesy of Smashing Magazine. Designed by Ratko Horvat (e-mail), Zabok, Croatia.
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- Header image courtesy of Smashing Magazine. Designed by Ratko Horvat (e-mail), Zabok, Croatia.
Category Archives: Personal
For those keeping track
One month in, I’m down two pounds total. This is less than the pound per week I was aiming at, but given the holiday dessert eating I’ve been doing (more than I should) and the amount of exercise I’ve been … Continue reading
The belated weekend check-in
I just realized I forgot to do my first week check-in on the food and exercise. Boy, this bodes well for the coming year, doesn’t it? I started out mostly just aiming for the three meals a day, and trying … Continue reading
For the next year
First: if you’re subscribed to the feed, with luck (and guidance from the wonderful folk at TigerTech), it should be working now. Please let me know if it’s not. Now on to the main post: It’s my birthday, and purple … Continue reading
The latest challenge
No, not NaNoWriMo. One of the things I’ve learned through living in different areas of the United States is that most communities have things that they do that they simply assume everyone does because that’s the way it is around … Continue reading
Posted in Personal, Uncategorized
And we’re back!
Power came on just before 6 tonight! Huzzah! We have returned to the 21st century.
Posted in Personal
The deep dark turning of the year
No power yet last time we were home. Boy and I flit from place to place, scavenging heat and Wi-Fi. PPL has missed two estimated repair times so far. Schools are still closed, and the boy’s hoping the Governor will … Continue reading
Not blown away
We live on the eastern edge of Pennsylvania — far enough inland that we weren’t subject to the devastation that hit New Jersey and New York. We lost power Monday night around 11, and we’re still waiting for it to … Continue reading
Our days, our memories, are what we make of them. Seven years ago today, my dad died. I still read things or see things that I want to share with him, then remember that I can’t. He died before my … Continue reading
If it’s Tuesday, this still must be France
Or, I’m still proofreading. You may have noticed I didn’t get my weekly gratitude post up yesterday. That’s because my computer was busy crashing and corrupting files, so I had to do some disk maintenance, run a virus/malware scan (just … Continue reading
Springing around the yard
I already posted pics of my first flowers of the year, I know. Yesterday was such a lovely, sunny spring day, however, (as opposed to the current cool and overcast) that I had to take more pictures to share. First … Continue reading