- Header image courtesy of Smashing Magazine. Designed by Ratko Horvat (e-mail), Zabok, Croatia.
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- Header image courtesy of Smashing Magazine. Designed by Ratko Horvat (e-mail), Zabok, Croatia.
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- Header image courtesy of Smashing Magazine. Designed by Ratko Horvat (e-mail), Zabok, Croatia.
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- Header image courtesy of Smashing Magazine. Designed by Ratko Horvat (e-mail), Zabok, Croatia.
Category Archives: Personal
Grace to end the old year
This is Grace (aka Gracie). Our daughter has wanted to keep her (stealing the dog from her grandparents) for a couple of years. Now she gets her wish — my in-laws came to visit for the holidays, and they’re leaving … Continue reading
Such a headache!
Yesterday, a bit after 4, I couldn’t keep my eyes open. Laid down to nap for a bit, and when my son woke me to ask about dinner (I ordered pizza), the head hurt, I couldn’t handle light — basically, … Continue reading
Posted in Inktober 2017, Personal, Tracking
Tagged 2017 goals, health, inking, inktober, photos
Task lists
Fall shares one of the drawbacks of spring: pollen. This is why I like the first hard frost of the year; it kills plants so they’ll stop trying to kill me. (My son tells me neither the plants nor Pennsylvania are … Continue reading
Posted in Inktober 2017, Personal, Tracking
Tagged 2017 goals, health, inking, inktober, photos
All wet
No, the weather is dry and lovely. The plumbing backing up into the garage — that was wet. Thank goodness for reliable plumbers, but what with making sure the girl had her picture day form and her homework and her … Continue reading
Time for time off!
Some really fun things today. Our daughter decided she wanted purple streaks in her hair, so I helped her do that — bleaching, rinsing, dyeing, washing and conditioning … we’ll see how it looks in the sun tomorrow. Didn’t get … Continue reading
Fine lines
When I start something that’s new to me, I have choices about how to proceed: I can read up on how things are done, I can ask questions, or I can bluff and act like I’m positive I know what … Continue reading
Kids’ advice on to-do lists
In the last day or so, I’ve mentioned to both my kids that I have too many things to do and not enough time to do them in. My daughter’s advice was that I need a schedule. I laughed at … Continue reading
Posted in Personal, Tracking, Using Your Time
Tagged 2017 goals, photos
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Halfway there
In this case, both halfway through the week and halfway through the novella. I’m loving that the novella is going well, but it is distracting me a touch from getting the novel done. My mom was commenting that when she’s … Continue reading
And on to the next challenge!
That “not taking on new projects” thing? Yeah, I’m not so good at that. I wouldn’t even have run for SFWA’s Board last year without Maggie Hogarth’s encouragement. Or Cat Rambo’s, though Maggie was the first to tell me I … Continue reading
Easter breakfast
From Food52: https://food52.com/recipes/67878-maida-heatter-s-mile-high-cinnamon-bread