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- Header image courtesy of Smashing Magazine. Designed by Ratko Horvat (e-mail), Zabok, Croatia.
Category Archives: Gratitude
Tuesday writing group
The core of the local NaNo group meets year-round on Tuesday evenings, and I occasionally remember to arrange my schedule so I can go. I don’t generally get a lot of writing done at these meetings (230 words tonight), but … Continue reading
The storm has passed
The metaphorical storm of kids’ illness, anyway. Last week, my daughter was home sick Tuesday and Wednesday and then sick again on Saturday; my son was home sick Thursday and Friday. This week, so far, no illness. Here’s hoping it … Continue reading
Posted in Gratitude
December snow
Last night, we got our first bit of wintry mix — mostly rain, trace of snow that stuck around on the grass for a little bit after the sun came up. The kids were incredibly happy to see the snow. … Continue reading
Inktober 31 — improbable friends
Last day of Inktober. I hope you all have enjoyed it. Today, I actually used the Inktober prompt, friends. And this post does double duty as my weekly gratitude post. I’m grateful to Mr. Jake Parker for creating Inktober, to … Continue reading
Fall . . .
It’s been windy and cool the past few days. Makes a nice break from that almost-80 it was trying last week! I just wish the weather would settle down. Little things are pleasing me today: the girl’s first soccer win … Continue reading
NaNo’s coming!
Two weeks from tomorrow, the annual debauchery writing fest commences. Fifty thousand words, thirty days. Yeah, I might aim a little higher than that this year. But first, I still have to finish Treachery. Anyway, I’m grateful for a wonderful … Continue reading
Parallel victory
This is probably going to sound silly, but I parallel parked today when I visited the library. I was dropping off some books to donate, so I wanted a close parking place. The only one available required parallel parking. I … Continue reading
Posted in Gratitude
Cooler weather at last!
It’s a small thing, I know, but I was getting rather tired of it being 90 degrees in September. This week, the highest it’s supposed to reach is 75. Not only that, but the humidity has dropped as well. Leaves … Continue reading
New year, new challenges
As is probably obvious by now, I track years by school years as well as calendar years. Gives me twice as many new years! Of course, I’m rarely ready to start new projects when the new year rolls around, but … Continue reading
Three random things
(First thing) Last week, I told the kids we’d do what they wanted for the last day of summer. They opted for the Da Vinci Science Center, so that’s where we spent the afternoon. (Morning was library, comics and gaming … Continue reading