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- Header image courtesy of Smashing Magazine. Designed by Ratko Horvat (e-mail), Zabok, Croatia.
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- Header image courtesy of Smashing Magazine. Designed by Ratko Horvat (e-mail), Zabok, Croatia.
Category Archives: family
Still plugging away
Very good day with daughter for her field trip. I recommend trips to any spots listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The kids wrote with ink made from walnuts and quills, put together a mini barn with notched … Continue reading
New year, new challenges
As is probably obvious by now, I track years by school years as well as calendar years. Gives me twice as many new years! Of course, I’m rarely ready to start new projects when the new year rolls around, but … Continue reading
Three random things
(First thing) Last week, I told the kids we’d do what they wanted for the last day of summer. They opted for the Da Vinci Science Center, so that’s where we spent the afternoon. (Morning was library, comics and gaming … Continue reading
Half the year is past
This year really seems to be flitting by. I wish I had more to show for it. Despite not having completed projects yet, however, I feel more on top of things. My writing feels more solid. I have plans for … Continue reading
Rainy Mondays
Every now and then, I think I should water the yard. I worry about my blueberry plants (now with a dozen berries!) or the petunia that my daughter’s class gave me. And then, this being Pennsylvania, it pours. We’ve been … Continue reading
Flowers for summer
Last week, I didn’t plan on getting much work done, what with it being the last week of school for the kids. Sure enough, I did lunch with my daughter’s class, plus the annual outing with the kids for ice … Continue reading
In junior year of high school, we had to keep a writing journal in English class. At a loss of what to write one day, I started off with transcribing what I could remember of a dream where an owl … Continue reading
A little summer music
Summer? Well, the song puts me in mind of summer. My daughter’s been practicing a song they’re doing for the spring concert next month, which means it’s been running through my head fairly nonstop. To appease the earworm, I pulled … Continue reading
Life with kids
Liquid nitrogen and burning ships, that’s life with my kids. Friday, I helped chaperone a field trip to the local science museum (DaVinci Science Center) for my daughter’s class. She found the demonstration of adding liquid nitrogen to boiling water … Continue reading
Right in all the wrong ways
So the kids, as expected, do not have a two-hour delay. Instead, schools are closed. *sigh*