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- Header image courtesy of Smashing Magazine. Designed by Ratko Horvat (e-mail), Zabok, Croatia.
Category Archives: family
And counting
Words written today: 895 Words written this month: 5,985 Words written 2017: 136,384 Average words/day 2017: 682 Books completed 2017: 1 (plus 1 novella) Pages read today: lots of rereading of last weekend’s fun read Books read 2017: ? Days … Continue reading
Back to it
I’ve been really lax about blogging since I got back from vacation. Lax about writing, too, but I’m trying to dig in. Words written today: 119 Words written this month: 4.470 Words written 2017: 134,869 Average words/day 2017: 681 Books … Continue reading
Vacation pictures, part 2
Now for the rest of the pictures.
Vacation in pictures
Our itinerary: Pennsylvania to Madison, Wisconsin, overnight stop in Elkhart, Indiana In Madison for a few days with my mom and younger brother and his fiancée Madison to Fort Collins, Colorado, overnight stop in Nebraska In and around Fort Collins … Continue reading
Lots of driving. Couple stops. Also lots of reading novellas. No writing. Daughter’s final hair color. (Though shes going to be swimming, so it will fade.) Swan we saw on one of our stops From same stop as the swan
School’s out
Such a busy day. End of school always is, as I take the kids for ice cream and to the comics and gaming store, as well as to the library. Lots of spending time with the kids, recommending things they … Continue reading
Not a good shot
In addition to lots of copyediting, I played laser tag today. Our friends had a birthday party for their son, and they wanted it to be for families. Rather amusing — our son, our daughter, and I wound up on … Continue reading
Having a field day
Today, our daughter’s school had their annual field day, and I volunteered to help out. I ran the water balloon toss and the ball relay. It was a great deal of fun, but also fairly tiring standing in the sun … Continue reading
Return of the shoe diva
When I was younger, I loved shopping for shoes. I could walk into any store, find the cutest things in 6-1/2, and walk out happy. And I frequently did. Any more, not so much. But this means that when I … Continue reading
Fun day was fun
There were some meltdowns on the math fun day, as well as sulking. But mostly, it was good. I might have been a little frustrated at the shopping part. (I would have organized a list of all the prices needed … Continue reading