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- Header image courtesy of Smashing Magazine. Designed by Ratko Horvat (e-mail), Zabok, Croatia.
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- Header image courtesy of Smashing Magazine. Designed by Ratko Horvat (e-mail), Zabok, Croatia.
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- Header image courtesy of Smashing Magazine. Designed by Ratko Horvat (e-mail), Zabok, Croatia.
Category Archives: conferences
WorldCon 76 schedule!
A week from today, WorldCon starts. Okay, technically, there are a few tour items that happen Tuesday and Wednesday, but Thursday is when things get rolling, with 74 things on the program. I’m excited to be in sunny San Jose, … Continue reading
Posted in announcements, conferences
No place like home
A lovely final half day at the conference, breakfast for volunteers, conversation with others, and a great neuroscience talk by Ben Kinney. And then escaping the area before the hockey fans arrived, the beginning of a long drive home, wherein … Continue reading
In an alternate universe, I got enough sleep
An absolutely fantastic day! We started with the SFWA business meeting, wherein the results of the election were announced. I was not unanimously acclaimed for Director-at-Large, though there were 292 (I think) aye votes. There were also nays and write-ins. … Continue reading
A new streak begins
Okay, yes, so far the new streak is only one day, with 257 words written, but it will grow. Here are pictures from today at the Nebula Conference. Audience for morning panel on money management Conversation between Sheila Williams and … Continue reading
Oh, no! A broken streak!
I had such a marvelous time yesterday at the Nebula Conference, meeting people, listening to people, being lost in a whirl of pretend-extroversion … and I didn’t write. For the first time this year! To distract you from my shame, … Continue reading
So many books!
This morning, I followed the usual routine — get up, make kids’ lunches, get them off to school. Then I made sure I was ready, and about 10, I set off on the drive. Took longer than Google expected, possibly … Continue reading