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- Header image courtesy of Smashing Magazine. Designed by Ratko Horvat (e-mail), Zabok, Croatia.
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- Header image courtesy of Smashing Magazine. Designed by Ratko Horvat (e-mail), Zabok, Croatia.
Category Archives: Birding
More baby birds!
We went from this: to this: Most of the time, Mama Robin’s still sitting on top of them, so I was lucky to get this shot this afternoon. Today, grateful for the turning of the seasons. (Also very happy because … Continue reading
Another long weekend
At least this weekend was planned — the school district always does a four-day weekend for Presidents’ Day (unless they’re trying to make up for missed snow days). Usually, I like to spend this long weekend in Boston at Boskone, … Continue reading
And another thing
I was trying to figure out what to talk about today, what moved my ungrateful little heart when I’m sick once again. But I have so much to be grateful for! Medicine to ease my symptoms Insurance and flexible time … Continue reading
A few notes
If you get my newsletter (and read it — goodness knows those aren’t always the same thing!), you’ll know that I was taken recently with Austin Kleon‘s books. I wrote up a review of them for Vision: A Resource For … Continue reading
Latest bird feeder visitors
Today, I’ve had a cluster of house finches visiting. The first pictures I tried to take weren’t clear enough to share — they landed on the ground, and their plumage kind of blended into the muddy spot below the feeder. … Continue reading
More short short fiction
I posted about the one drabble that went live on January 31, but I forgot to mention that I actually sold 7 drabbles to SpeckLit to appear during the first quarter of this year. The second one, “Future Sight,” went … Continue reading
These are the birds in my neighborhood
I honestly hadn’t expected to post pictures again so soon, but the birds have been so very active today, I couldn’t resist. (I’m going to have to add “Birding” as a category, I think.) First, I had a flock (a … Continue reading
Gallery of the birds
As promised, the gallery of photos from egg to young bird, able to fly. Enjoy.
(Not my) empty nest syndrome
It had to happen; the baby robins are adolescents, out playing their rock music or at least chirping every time something moves within fifty feet of them. I went out to take the daily picture on Monday, and they freaked … Continue reading