Bright spots

Spring continues, and the weather doesn’t seem to be sure what it wants to do. It rained most of last this week. This week looks to be mostly sunny, but cooler and much windier. Also, lots more pollen. We’ve moved on to pine pollen predominating, I think.

azalea in bloom

On the other hand, we’re still getting beautiful displays by plants like our azalea bush, and the peonies are starting to bud out, so I’m looking forward to their fragrance soon. (I take extra antihistamines for it. Yes, I’m still and always grateful for all forms of modern medicine!)

The other thing I’m really grateful for today is supportive friends, the ones who encourage me to stretch myself and who are there with words of encouragement if things don’t go as I’d hoped. You know who you are. Thank you!

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  1. Lovely flowers. I’m delighting in everything popping up here too. Found a tiny blue flower all by itself that was adorable :).

  2. Ashe Elton Parker

    Lovely azaleas. And yay for modern medicine (one of my etneral gratitudes too).

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