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- Header image courtesy of Smashing Magazine. Designed by Ratko Horvat (e-mail), Zabok, Croatia.
Author Archives: Erin
Life as a Moving Target review
Today marks the released of Life as a Moving Target, by Erin Zarro, a chapbook published by Turtleduck Press. The publisher site describes it: Life as a Moving Target is a poetry chapbook that explores living with fibromyalgia and intractable … Continue reading
You’ve probably noticed I haven’t posted as much the past couple of weeks. I’ve been under the weather and feeling like it was taking all I had to get my work done, spend time with my family, and try to … Continue reading
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Tagged Daily Science Fiction, freelance work, health, NaNoWriMo, planning
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Monday drabble: Silly string
The Silly String took over Joey’s brain when he was eight. He didn’t mean for it to happen — I don’t think anyone even knew it could happen. He held the can up next to his nose and pretended to … Continue reading
Chocolate chip cookies Q & A
Chocolate chip cookies? Goodness, what is there to ask about them? Is this really worth a blog post? Why not? It’s a topic I know. In college, I was required to take a class in public speaking. I’m so not … Continue reading
Monday drabble: Rain
The old man stared out at the night sky. He had not slept since the previous rains; he knew his next sleep would be his last sleep. He sat and watched, but no rain came. Did his watchfulness keep it … Continue reading
Rejection Q & A
Being rejected, like anything else in life, is something you have to practice. Fortunately, it’s something other people are often more than willing to help you practice. Don’t believe me? Quick, send your resume to half a dozen multinational conglomerates, … Continue reading
NaNoWriMo Q & A
I debated off and on whether this was too obvious a topic to blog about, but I realize not everyone knows what it is, and I can offer my usual quirky opinions. Q: So what’s the point of trying to … Continue reading
Wednesday drabble: NaNoWriMo
“Whatcha doing?” Gena bounced to a stop next to her dad’s desk. He didn’t look up from his laptop. “Writing.” “Whatcha writing?” He sighed but still didn’t look up. “I’m working on a novel.” Her eyes widened. “Are you going … Continue reading
Halloween Q & A
It’s a bit of a trite idea to write about Halloween this weekend, I know, but I’m not going to stay away just because all the popular kids are doing it. Or because they’re not. As a quick trip to … Continue reading