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- Header image courtesy of Smashing Magazine. Designed by Ratko Horvat (e-mail), Zabok, Croatia.
Author Archives: Erin
Y is for yardwork
It’s April, which means everything is in bloom. Magnolias scatter their petals in the streets. Dogwoods are opening, their buds still looking dry and brittle. Tulips, hyacinths, and daffodils flourish in beds and around mailboxes. My new hellebores have their … Continue reading
X is for xenophilia
Love of the other. That’s why I read and write science fiction and fantasy — whether the other is an alternate version of our own world, a might-have-been, a might-yet-be, or someplace so fantastic a human could never survive. Other … Continue reading
W is for West Coast waves
I thought about doing words or writing or wit or whimsy. I did. Then I decided just to go with a couple shots taken last year on the California coast. Enjoy.
V is for violets and volunteers
Volunteers, in this case, referring to plants that grow somewhere without being planted there. As, for example, the dogwood sapling in our front flower bed that I need to decide whether to transplant or leave where it is. It can … Continue reading
Posted in Personal
Tagged A to Z Challenge, gardening, photos
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Utterly lovely review of Dreampunk
I neglected to post here when I put my novella Dreampunk up for sale last week. I wanted to make sure it had gone in to the extended distribution on Smashwords first. Well, it has. And Alex Fayle posted a … Continue reading
Posted in Hartshorn Publishing, writing
Tagged novellas
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U is for unfinished work
The down side of starting new ideas is that I’m not always done with old ones. It’s not just writing, either. Yes, I have what would be piles of uncompleted stories (short stories, novels, whatever) if they were printed out. … Continue reading
T is for tea and tetsubin
Tea is, as I think I’ve mentioned, my favorite drink, the default that keeps me going through the day. I drink black tea in the morning, black decaf tea in the afternoon, green tea when I feel like it, and … Continue reading
R is for results
Results are the outcome of everything that we do. I follow a training program for running, I get results: I can run farther, and my thighs start slimming down. I spend hours writing instead of frittering away time on the … Continue reading
Q is for Q & A about Q & A
It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these, so I’ll lay down the ground rules for anyone who’s popped in recently without reading the archives (because, really, who would read everything ever written in a blog, no matter … Continue reading