Around the corner

Today, I’m grateful that a laundromat opened up around the corner from our house. As I’ve told more than one person today, “ka-thunk, thunk, thunk” isn’t any better a sound for your dryer to make than for your car to. Which means yesterday’s laundry got pushed to today, and I spent the morning (and way more quarters than it used to take!) doing the family laundry.

Why my kids probably think this is a good thing: since I went to the laundromat, I took their stuffed animals that were too big to go into our home washing machine and cleaned them. (Animals were, you may recall, covered with soot, along with everything else in the house. And no, the house isn’t all clean yet. *sigh*)

Something else I’m grateful for is that we have a spare out in the garage. When we bought the house, the previous owners left their washing machine and dryer here. We’ve never gotten around to getting rid of them (Yay! Procrastination for the win!), and a couple of years ago when our washer died, we swapped that. Now we can swap the other. Eventually, we’ll have to replace both with something more modern and energy efficient, but right now, we don’t have to have the extra expense.

What are you grateful for this week?

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9 Responses to Around the corner

  1. Kathleen Hammond says:

    Life! Being able to try new things, even if I’m not an expert. My grandchildren. Eyes that can still see, read and appreciate what’s around me. The children the Love of My Life and I produced (just like plants). Memories. The ocean. Miracles. You. Et al.

  2. Kathleen Hammond says:

    And, people who keep a promise they make.

    • Erin says:

      I suppose it says something about me that the first thing I did when I saw your comment was starting think about what promises I haven’t kept . . .

  3. Laura Eno says:

    Ka-thunk isn’t good at all! Yes, the large machines do have their uses but the quarters!!!

    I’m grateful for the epiphany I had this morning concerning my WIP. 🙂

  4. Kathleen Hammond says:

    No, no,no. I think everyone is guilty of breaking a promise. I know I have. It just popped into my head at the time.

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