All of you

Keeping it short and sweet today — I’m grateful for all of you who make the time to read my posts, whether you comment or not. I’m grateful that you’re here, that you find me interesting, that you listen. Thank you.

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12 Responses to All of you

  1. LJCohen says:

    Well, we’re all in this together, right? {{{{hugs}}}}

  2. Dawn says:

    That’s sweet. 🙂 I’m grateful for you, too: your friendship, support, and poking/prodding. Have I mentioned that the novel that got me into my workshop was an idea that was simmering for a long time. It was your poking about writing a series that made me pick up Holly’s HTWAS workshop which was instrumental in getting that novel organized. You’ve been one of the never-doubt positive inspirations in my writing. I only hope I’ve been as a good a friend and writer-buddy to you too.

    • Erin says:

      Oh, my gosh, Dawn! That’s sweet.

      Indeed you have been as good a friend and writer-buddy! Thank you so much!

  3. Kathleen Hammond says:

    Many days you are the only ‘conversations’ I have. I also learn from you. Keep up the good work!

  4. Widdershins says:

    May not comment on every one. but I certainly find value in your words anyways!

    • Erin says:

      Thanks! I enjoy your comments when you leave them, just as I enjoy reading your blog posts (even when I don’t comment on them).

  5. Alex F Fayle says:

    Aw shucks! Thanks! 😉

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