Okay, not a basket, per se, at least today; I’m spending the day with my son’s class for their end-of-year picnic — swimming, games, food, and good times with familiar faces.
I love picnics. I remember my mom spreading a blanket on the living room floor so we could still picnic on a rainy day, just as I remember picnics at Idlewild where my brothers and I would catch garter snakes while Mom relaxed and people-watched.
On our first anniversary, my husband and I picnicked at the park where we had our wedding reception. (It wasn’t nearly as cold!)
When we go on family vacations, we often pack food in an ice chest and look for local parks to eat at on the way.
There have been many other picnics and gatherings over the years, with friends, family, co-workers, fellow students. They’re a time of fellowship and companionship, and they leave me with warm memories. Today, as I add new memories, I’m grateful for all the picnics I’ve been to over the years and all those I’ve shared them with.
What are you grateful for today?
My sister and I used to do picnics in the living room, too. How odd.
I’m grateful that you remembered that.
I shall have to try picnics in our living room on a rainy day; we certainly have enough of them. The dog will have to be outside or in his crate at the time, of course. We’ve eaten on the coffee table downstairs occasionally (for example, when the power was out and it was the warmest room in the house because of the fireplace), but that’s just not the same.