Three random things

Two-headed monster

(First thing)
Last week, I told the kids we’d do what they wanted for the last day of summer. They opted for the Da Vinci Science Center, so that’s where we spent the afternoon. (Morning was library, comics and gaming store, and ice cream shop for lunch.)

Which means that the kids are back in school now. Huzzah! This, of course, is what I’m grateful for.

(Second thing)
This, of course, means that it’s time for my annual recalibration of how I work, trying to boost my productivity. To that end, I decided on Friday to try out the Freedom app. I was startled to discover just how much it helped. If I couldn’t go check out Twitter or any of the forums I normally hang out on every few minutes (i.e., whenever my attention wandered), I had to refocus on the work.

I didn’t use it today, and I wasn’t nearly as efficient, so I will remember to engage it tomorrow. Maybe I’ll even try that other oft-recommended productivity tip and work for an hour or so first before checking my e-mail!

The ultimate goal is to be able to spend half the week on paying work, half on writing — and manage to get significant amounts of both done. (Isn’t that always the goal? I keep trying different things. Eventually, I will get this.)

(Third thing)
Meanwhile, I’m pondering gift ideas for my husband’s birthday, which is coming up in a couple of weeks. We just got the Reaper of Souls expansion for Diablo 3, and I can’t think of any other video games he’s been eyeing lately. I could get him a gift certificate for the homebrew store where he buys supplies, I suppose, but that seems impersonal and slightly unnecessary (since I’d be paying for it the certificate with the same account that he’d use to buy supplies anyway). Maybe a new game, maybe something appropriately geeky from ThinkGeek or some similar supplier? I should decide soon, so there’s time to order. Hmmm …

So I’m grateful for time with kids and kids back in school, for time to work and write, for renewed focus, and (always) for time with my husband. What are you grateful for this week?

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  1. Looks like a great science museum :). Colin loves Titan Quest and they just put out a huge expansion/bug fix on Steam that has made it infinitely more playable (second hand because my hands still can’t take it). It’s similar to Diablo.

    • The main reason we don’t go to the museum more often is it’s on the far side of Allentown. (And we always seem to get busy and put it off.)

      Thanks for the tip on Titan Quest. I’ll check it out.

  2. It’s fair week for me. This is the last day of set-up and I’m already tired but it’s coming together so nicely that I really can’t complain. Happy fall and your “new” start. Somehow I’ve always felt September and the start of the school year, a better new year than in January. So many possibilities!

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