That’s a wrap!

Trees silhouetted against aurora.

Image downloaded from Unsplash. Taken by Vincent Guth.

I finished the first draft of my novella today! I know at least one thing I have to go back and add details about, but it’s going to wait. Tomorrow, or Monday. Not tonight.

And I can get back to focusing on the next novel, Siren Circle! (That’s what you want to hear, anyway, right? More Pepper?)

Words written today: 4,601
Words written this month: 21,966
Words written 2017: 118,898
Average words/day 2017: 894
Books completed 2017: 1
Pages read today: 0
Books read 2017: 9

Looking at those words written this month and this year, part of me wants to push one of those up to the next round number. Not happening, though. I’m going to sleep.

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6 Responses to That’s a wrap!

  1. Nicki says:

    WOO! (Yesh, that’s what we want. Although novella…intrigued.)

    • Erin says:


      Novella will eventually be newsletter reward — I’ll send out a link for free download to everyone who already is subscribed, then use it as a sign-up incentive for the newsletter. So you will get to read it. 🙂

  2. Hooray! Good work! 🙂

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