Q & A about birthday parties

Q: Birthday parties? That doesn’t seem very writing oriented!

A: It’s not. I said so yesterday. My son’s birthday is coming up, and we’re having a party for him for the second time ever.

Q: Really? And you think that’s worth a blog post?

A: Works for me.

Q: So — cake and ice cream? Maybe some pizza? Anything special?

A: Probably pizza. Lots of water for the kids to drink because it’s hot out. My son’s drawn a picture (with elevations!) of what he wants the cake to look like, and I’m going to make blueberry cheesecake ice cream this evening. The one thing I haven’t decided is what I’m serving the ice cream in.

Q: Um . . . bowls?

A: Yes, of course, but I’m debating between chocolate chip cookie bowls (bake the dough on the reverse side of a muffin tin) and chocolate bowls (using balloons as a mold).

Q: What sort of activities do you have planned?

A: Keeping it simple: a Slip ‘N’ Slide, some water balloons. Maybe a movie inside if there’s a storm (unlikely).

Q: Is that too little? Are they going to enjoy it?

A: I don’t know, but I’ve only so much energy to go around.

Q: One last question — you’re having the party at your house. Are you crazy?

A: Well, yeah. I’m a writer, aren’t I?

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13 Responses to Q & A about birthday parties

  1. Kathleen Hammond says:

    Works for me!

    Thank you.

  2. Nicki Ivey says:

    Love it. 🙂

    • Nicki Ivey says:

      In this heat, go with the cookie bowls, BTW.

      • Erin says:

        Ooh, good point! Thanks! It’s supposed to be cooler Saturday, but saving the chocolate for my daughter’s (winter) birthday makes more sense!

        And glad you enjoyed the post. 😀

  3. Widdershins says:

    ROFL … love the last line!

  4. Laura Eno says:

    Yum, cookie bowls and chocolate bowls! Like Nicki said, save the chocolate for winter. Have fun with the party!

  5. Kathleen Hammond says:

    Need you ask?

  6. arizela says:

    I vote the one that doesn’t have the balloons involved, but that’s speaking as someone with a latex allergy.

    • Erin says:

      Ooh, I didn’t even think of that. Good point. My own latex sensitivity seems to be triggered by the combination of latex with chemicals — gloves in particular were an issue when I worked in a lab, but I’ve never had any trouble with balloons. Thanks for pointing out that problem!

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