Long drive, short words

Drove back from the con today. Five states, somewhat under five hours — which still feels bizarre to me as a West Coast native. (The states in question: Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania.)

After getting home, mostly I decompressed — cleared out some accumulated e-mail, put together the blog post about reading recommendations, did the barest minimum of unpacking. Even squeezed some reading in. Eventually. I wrote a little.

Words written today: 223
Words written this month: 10,164
Words written 2017: 50,679
Average words/day 2017: 994
Books completed 2017: 1
Pages read: 2 chapters
Books read 2017: 2
Exercise reps: 0

Ack! It’s happened — I’m below 1k/day average. Time to get my fingers in gear!

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  1. It’s all relative isn’t it? … five hours would barely get me halfway across B.C. 😀

    • Yeah, when we lived in Berkeley, California, it took eight hours to get to my husband’s family (north of L.A.). East Coast and West Coast are different worlds!

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