
I was going to do the traditional blogroll on the side of the Website, but it’s starting to get kind of long on the right side already, so I put the links here, on a separate page. Expect this list to expand with time.

Making Light
Neil Gaiman
Whatever (John Scalzi)
Charlie’s Diary (Charles Stross)
The Way the Future Blogs
Tobias Buckell

Margaret McGaffey Fisk
Maripat S. Sluyter
Valerie Comer
Bonnie R. Schutzmann
Jean Schara
Alex F. Fayle
Leila Coyle
Anne Lyle
Tammy Jones
Chris Stachura
Lisa Cohen

Elizabeth Shack
Marsheila Rockwell
Stuart Etter
Kameron Franklin
As the Plot Thickens (Michael E. Walston)

Nicki Ivey
Ivey Books
Cypher Lx

Widdershins Worlds

David Robinson
Demon Hunting and Tenth Dimensional Physics (Voss Foster)
Dream Weaver (Debra Harris-Johnson)
Eagle’s Aerial Perspective
Elizabeth Mueller
Flash Fiction (Lisa Vooght)
Good Youngman Brown
Holly Michael
Kelly Said
Kristen Pelfrey
Laura Eno
Marta Szemik
No Thoughts 2 Small
Pensuasion (S. L. Hennessy)
Story Treasury (Sonia Lal)
Writing Nut

Forward Motion
Absolute Write
Writer Beware
GSSW (Garden State Speculative Fiction Writers, a multi-genre writing group)

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