Insert witticism here

Another slow day. Got some progress on projects for SFWA this morning, including forward momentum on the Operations, Policies, and Procedures Manual (OPPM). Told the members at the business meeting during the Nebula Conference that we’d have the OPPM out to them by Labor Day, and I’m moving forward on it. (Note: this is a living document, which is to say it will always be a document in progress, as procedures are updated, added, or deleted, so at best, it will be the current version, subject to revision, with new versions issued periodically. I still would like it as complete as possible before issuing this version to the membership.)

Also took the kids to the comics and game store, the library, and the ice cream shop. Also went over them expectations for their summer homework. (Reading for the boy, practicing multiplication facts for the girl.)

And I wrote.

Words written today: 336
Words written this month: 7,352
Words written 2017: 153,861
Average words/day 2017: 699
Books completed 2017: 2 (plus 1 novella)
Pages read today: 2 more chapters of Castle Hangnail
Books read 2017: ?
Days until school starts: 20

Fallen below 1k/day for this month, so I’m going to have to work on that. But other stuff on tomorrow’s agenda, including some more freelance work, as well as final edits on Siren Circle.

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  1. Words and comic store. A good day.

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