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- Header image courtesy of Smashing Magazine. Designed by Ratko Horvat (e-mail), Zabok, Croatia.
Category Archives: Inktober 2016
Inktober 31 — improbable friends
Last day of Inktober. I hope you all have enjoyed it. Today, I actually used the Inktober prompt, friends. And this post does double duty as my weekly gratitude post. I’m grateful to Mr. Jake Parker for creating Inktober, to … Continue reading
Inktober 30 — already?
Inspiration is thin on the ground. Or at least, energy and willingness to do anything deep and detailed.
Inktober 29 — it’s late
Okay, not so late for some people, but for our group with kids, gaming until 11 at night is late. Hence the late posting and the rather skimpy sketch (the poor shot of which I’ll replace later with a better … Continue reading
Inktober 28 — Gates of Barovia
I was spending the evening prepping to start the Expedition to Castle Ravenloft with our gaming group tomorrow. This bit of description comes early, and I thought I’d sketch it to share with the group. (I had to draw something, … Continue reading
Inktober 27 — bunnies
I wanted something fairly easy today. I’ve got all kinds of proportions wrong, but they’re not horrible.
Inktober 26 — more tails (spiked)
Relevant notes jotted on the page. Guess it’s going to come down to do I think dragons have dinosaur-style tails.
Inktober 25 — tails
More anatomy studies. Not sure where I’m going with the tail yet.
Inktober 24 — wings and things
Working on anatomy, considering specializations. Of course, if a dragon has a beast’s hindfeet, one might argue that it should have a beast’s forefeet as well, making a bat the best model. Ditto bird talons and bird wings. On the … Continue reading
Inktober 23 — soccer game
Sketch based on my daughter’s game today. Ugh, the heads! Other than that, though, I’m fairly pleased with it.
Inktober 22 — dragon wing (attempt one)
Okay, so the head actually came out better than I’d expected, so I moved on to the wings. I’m not nearly as happy with this (as you can tell by the annotations), but I know what to work on.